
Reverse Engineer Postgres Database Model Using EntityFramework Core

reverse engineer data model from postgres db

Arjun Krishna

2 minute read

I tried Dapper it was fun to use. It is pretty powerful. I now wanted to try entityframework-core. In Dapper, I did everything in database first. Now I wanted to do everything in code first. I’ve used entityframework earlier in my previous jobs so have an understanding how it works but there is always something new to learn.

Dapper DateTime to Protobuf TimeStamp

invalid cast from 'system.datetime' to 'google.protobuf.wellknowntypes.timestamp'

Arjun Krishna

2 minute read

I was trying blazor with Grpc-web in .net core and wanted it to work with a postgres sample table. I was feeling lazy and did not want to create a DTO object in between. This attempt to save time became a time waster very fast. :)