Passionate about technology since 1993 when I wrote my first GW-BASIC program in 10th grade. It was a circle which scrolled across the screen from left to right. I was hooked. I experienced a similar surge of happiness two years ago, when I used hololens at work during a demo, It was an amazing experience.


I have over 19 years of experience in the IT Industry with hands-on experience with a variety of tools and technologies. Work closely with the IT leadership and business partners to ensure alignment of plans (including migration plans and road maps) with what is being delivered (projects).

I have worked for companies of all sizes and have come to appreciate the benefits and IT expectations of each model. Over the years, while working with various companies at different stages, I have incrementally realized the benefit technology brings to businesses. I am fortunate to have been part of the implementation teams to witness the direct impact of technology viz. saving time, cost reduction, increased customer satisfaction, alleviating business risk due to possible worker strike, disaster recovery, improving manual processes due to technology enabled collaboration and automation, easier information access, faster analysis, reduction in user initiated mistakes.

I am a big believer in collaboration tools like wiki for Application Development teams. Transparency and continuous sharing of techniques used for solving issues are highly important for the team and yourself in the long run. My personal experience has taught me that a highly skilled individual’s proficiency level drops over time due to change in the type of work. If an application involves writing your own threadpool then proficiency with multithreading will be high during that time period. After six months interval of not utilizing that technology that same individual would need to put in effort to re-vitalize his memory about the subject. Wiki helps immensely in such situations. Sharing information transparently, helps you and your co-workers to come up with a functional business continuity plan.

My technology focus is in the area of .NET development and architecture. I most often utilize C#, WPF, ASP.NET, SQL Server application stack. New developing interests are react/graphql/microservices/machine-learning


  • Implemented European/Asian multi country multi-factor Barra models supporting custom factor creation.
  • Designed/Implemented an automated security setup process for operations team with added benefit of consolidating knowledge of disparate groups.
  • Setup disaster recovery/ documentation / automated build processes.
  • Created a rules engine which handled one million rules.








  • March 2015-present

    Point72 L.P., Stamford, CT, USA

    Work on Risk Portal, a WPF application with a SQL server backend that helps Risk Managers manage risk/capital allocation/ranking/coaching/performance reports based on barra factor models. Realtime event based calculation engine runs within windows services which provides ticking risk analytics to users. Apart from normal development sprint items, improved data aggregation processes, created self-serve functionality, started initiative to make onboarding new hires easier, improved support processes so that support staff feels more included in our development cycle.

  • April 2013 - March 2015

    Freepoint Commodities, Stamford, CT, USA

    Created/maintained multiple WPF applications for financial/trade accounting teams which help generate their Financial Reports/ Accrual Estimates, and reconciliations. Built a new platform for a newly formed metals trading team. This saved lot of manual work and expedited starting the new group. Started effort to automate builds using Jenkins.

  • July 2012 - March 2013

    Goldentree Asset Management, NY, NY, USA

    Automated new security setup process with a new mvc3 application. Completed this project in 5 months and saved 5 minutes on each security setup operation. Designed and implemented the complete server-side code that mvc3 app utilized to update the paladyne security master and then kick off the process to update VPM accounting system

  • Septmember 2008 - June 2012

    Commonfund, Wilton, CT, USA (CONSULTANT)

    Involved in design and implementation of a c#/ portfolio re-balancing web application as part of a team managing $29B in investments.
    Prototyped a web-based conference management system for the marketing team.

  • April 2008 - September 2008

    UBS, Stamford, CT, USA (CONSULTANT)

    Involved in design and implementation of web-based datacenter servers Dashboard.

  • May 2007 - April 2008

    ACA Capital, NY, NY, USA

    Lead the development of in-house applications for the Structured Finance and Structured Credit lines of business that managed $90B worth of investments. Lead a team of 3 developers.

  • August 2005 - April 2007

    Morgan Stanley, NY, NY, USA (CONSULTANT)

    Worked for equity research (forecasting model generation) and AP groups (cost center management)

  • April 2003 - August 2005

    Verizon, Silver Spring, MD, USA (CONSULTANT)

    Created a biztalk rule engine 2004 using c# which handled 1 million rules. Later lead a team of 9 developers.

  • October 2001 - March 2003

    Deutsche Bank, NY, NY, USA (CONSULTANT)

    Worked as Java/J2EE developer and did production support.

  • August 2000 - June 2001

    New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA

    Master of Science in Computer Science.

  • September 1995 - August 1999

    The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences, Bhiwani, Haryana, India

    Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering.